Marital status:
business owner/software company
Hi gang!
Wow, where to start.
Went to Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York. Was a sorority girl, weekend hippie, and English major. Graduated 1972.
Lived in Hackensack, N.J., with two college friends, and worked for a real estate company in N.Y.C. Started out as an admin and became a junior copywriter in their advertising department.
At a college reunion in 1973, got reacquainted with a guy I'd known throughout my college years, but never dated, Jon Kenney. We started dating and I moved with him to Park Slope in Brooklyn.
We got married in May of 1975 (Margaret was my maid of honor). I got laid off from my work (the company was having legal problems) AND found out I was expecting a baby in August of 1975--hello adulthood!
Had my wonderfun son, Adam Moore Kenney (who is now 42, glass artist, husband, and father of two, living in Pittsburgh), on April 8, 1976.
Jon was a banker for Manufacturers Hanover, and I stayed home and took care of Adam. We saw better opportunities outside of the East coast and moved to Phoenix in July of 1978 (40 years ago this year). He got a job with The Arizona Bank. I returned to N.J. in September to be Margaret's matron of honor!
Life was less expensive and easier in AZ although we missed family and friends. I also started working for The Arizona Bank as a technical writer and worked my way up to managing projects in the Systems Management area.
After 10 years, Jon and I divorced in 1985. I bought my own little house for Adam and me. Amazingly, my older step-brother Rick Suhl and his family (wife and three kids) were transferred to Scottsdale that year. So, Mom and Rudy decided to move out here also. It was awesome...we were all together for the first time in so many years.
I didn't date much but decided to join Parents Without Partners in 1988, hoping to meet friends with kids Adam's age (he was then 12). I met Dave Darnell at PWP picnic. He was there with his three kids. We started dating, got engaged on my 40th birthday and then married on October 12, 1991. My amazing parents gave me a second wedding--this time at their lovely Scottsdale home.
The Arizona Bank was bought out by Security Pacific Bank and then they were gobbled up by Bank of America. I was laid off after 12 years. Dave was working for a IT company but had his own company, Systrends, on the side. I began doing contract technical writing under the Systrends label.
I then worked for a COBOL software copany, Viasoft, which was the most successful IPO in Arizona history (they have since gone out of business!). I was a tech writer, content manager, and created their first website--I loved the place and was named "Development Employee of the Year" in 1995. It was exciting as tech writers usually don't get a lot of attention or cudos.
I was a long-distance runner and worked out like an animal, but injured my back in 1996. It was kind of a sleigh-ride to hell as I was misdiagnosed and dissed by a lot of doctors. I finally found someone who read the MRI correctly and had interbody fusion surgery in 1997. Took a while for the pain to settle down, but eventually I was nearly 100% OK.
While I was recuperating, I started working with Dave and we have been partners now for over 20 years. We do software and service bureau hosting--EDI transaction and XML tariff management--for energy companies. Dave is the technical guru and I do all the writing (proposals, marketing, training, etc.). And I do a fair amount of admin stuff as well. We have now expanded into cybersecurity and I've gotten my first certification in that area--CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor.
Although I was always drawing and loved art as a young person, I didn't pursue that hobby for many years. I started painting with my mom after my stepdad Rudy died in 1997. And I've continued to enjoy it--my style is very colorful and crazy--a lot different from my business life which is so good for my head and my heart.
I have my wonderful son, Adam. I also have three wonderful step-kids: Jennifer (now 45), Kody (42), and Allison (37). We had quite the houseful and lots of chaos and drama there for a while (well, more than a while). When we married, they were all teens and pre-teens so most of you will understand that challenge. The miracle is that everyone turned out OK and I couldn't ask for a sweeter bunch now. I have 6 (!!) wonderful grandchildren who just know me as Nana Peg.
From my continuing to run and congenital stuff, I had a hip replacement in 2007. Works great and I've really had no problems with it. While we were in the middle of a product launch and a house remodel in 2010, I found out I had breast cancer. It was a good kind to get (DCIS Stage 0); I decided on a double mastectomy; did not have to do chemo or radiation. I feel very grateful and feel like a had "bc light" compared to so many people. One of the wonderful things is that Adele came out and helped to take care of me.
Speaking of friends, I have been so fortunate in that department to still have so many H.S. and college friends still in my world--especially Margaret, Adele, John, and Ellen (and Lynn L. who we hope to see at the reunion). Some highlights include:
Seeing Margaret at least once a year (or more) no matter where we were living.
Ellen and her first husband John supporting me so much during my divorce.
Ellen and my New Mexico trip--Santa Fe and Taos.
Margaret's amazing 50th birthday week in NYC!
Several mini-reunions over the years--including N.J., and an amazing time in San Francisco.
Margaret and Ellen at Adam's wedding in Nashville 2005.
Margaret's 60th birthday party at my house with John as the special surprise guest.
Adele's 60th birthday party in Boston; Adele then at my 60th birthday party.
Wonderful trip to Corsica.
Italian cruise with Margaret and Frank.
Etc., etc.
Getting to know Ted Dick and being a part of Adele and Ted's courtship and at their wedding last year.
Many of you remember my wonderful Mom! She was still traveling and having fun into her 90's. She lived to be 100 and died in June of 2015. The last couple years were pretty rough on both of us, but she never lost her grace or humor. She was a shining example really of love and acceptance.
Like Jimmy Stewart, I've had a wonderful life. I wouldn't change a thing as it's all part of the journey. I so look forward to seeing everyone in October.